Terms and conditions


The following terms and conditions will apply to all sales of goods by RWK Outdoors and its partners through the www.rwkoutdoors.ro virtual store to the Buyer and may be changed at any time by RWK Outdoors without notice.

Thus, the following terms will mean:

Buyer – person / legal entity or other legal entity that issues an Order.

Seller – RWK Outdoors, with the trade name SC RAVICA TRADE & MANAGEMENT SRL, having its registered office in Bucharest District 4, B-dul ALEXANDRU OBREGIA, Nr. 26, Block R3, Staircase B, Floor 3, Apartment 59, CUI RO26382354, no. for registration in the Trade Register J40/255/2010.

Goods – any product, including the documents and services provided in the Order, to be provided to the Seller to the Buyer.

Order – an electronic document that intervenes as a form of communication between the Seller and the Buyer, through which the Seller agrees to deliver the Goods and the Buyer agrees to receive these Goods and to pay them.

Contract – an Order confirmed by the Seller.

Intellectual Property Rights – all intangible rights such as know-how, copyright and copyright, database rights, design rights, model rights, patents, registered rights and domain name registrations for any from the above.

Site – www.rwkoutdoors.ro domain and its subdomains.

2.Contractual Documents

By launching an Electronic Order on the website www.rwkoutdoors.ro, the Buyer agrees with the form of communication (e-mail, telephone) through which the Seller carries out its operations. The order will consist of the following documents:

The order (along with clear information on delivery and billing dates) and its specific conditions.

Terms and conditions

If the Seller confirms the Order, this implies full acceptance of the terms of the Order. Seller’s acceptance of the Order is deemed complete when there is an electronic confirmation (e-mail) from the Seller to the Buyer, without the need for an acknowledgment of receipt from the Seller. The seller does not consider an unconfirmed order at any time as having the value of a Contract.
Order confirmation is done electronically (e-mail). The prices of the products in the order are valid for 3 working days from the date of registration of the order. The general terms and conditions of sale will form the basis of the Agreement thus concluded.

3.Obligations of the Seller

  • The Seller will use its professional and technical knowledge to achieve the result stipulated in the Order and will deliver the Goods that meet the requirements and specifications of the Buyer expressed in the Order;
  • The information presented on the Seller’s websites is for information purposes only and may be modified by the Seller without prior notice. Product descriptions may be incomplete, but the seller makes every effort to present the most relevant information so that the product can be used within the parameters for which it was purchased;

4.Intellectual and Industrial Property Law

The User / Buyer understands the intellectual property right and will not disclose to any third party or make public any of the information received from the Seller.

All drawings, graphics and design elements appearing on the site, the site name as well as the graphic signs are trademarks of RWK Outdoors and may not be taken over, copied or used without the written consent of the owner.

All content elements such as descriptions, drawings, graphics and design elements appearing on the site, including but not limited to logos, stylized representations, commercial symbols, still images, dynamic images, text and / or multimedia content presented on site, are the exclusive property of RWK Outdoors, to which all rights obtained in this regard are reserved directly or indirectly through licenses for use and / or publication.

The User / Buyer is not permitted to copy, distribute, publish, transfer to third parties, modify and / or otherwise alter, use, link to, expose, include any of the foregoing in any context other than the original intended by RWK Outdoors. , the inclusion of any content outside of the Site, the removal of RWK Outdoors copyright notices on content and participation in the transfer, sale, distribution of materials made by reproducing, modifying or displaying content other than the express written consent of RWK Outdoors.

5. Rights to the Content of the Site

The entire content of the site and the graphics, including but not limited to them, respectively all the content in text format, as well as the technical sources of all present and future services and facilities – unless expressly mentioned by another owner – The sources of the pages but also any other material, transmitted in any form by and to Users (by direct viewing on the site, by newsletters, etc.) belong to RWK Outdoors .

The content of the site, regardless of the area in which it is located on the site and regardless of the type, can be used exclusively for personal purposes. Any use of content by third parties for purposes other than your own may only be with the written, express and prior consent of RWK Outdoors . Therefore, the copying, retrieval, reproduction, publication, transmission, sale, partial, complete or modified distribution of the content of this site or of any part thereof made for purposes other than personal is prohibited, with the following exceptions:

(i) it is allowed to reproduce (on non-commercial sites, forums, press articles, etc.) small fragments of published articles (max. 400 characters), it being mandatory to specify the source of the information taken, with a link, in the following form: (Source: site name – link to site content).

(ii) links to the www.rwkoutdoors.ro site are permitted, and the source of the information will be specified after each link or at the end of the article, as follows: “Information provided courtesy of RWK Outdoors  – link to site content)

Users agree to respect all copyrights and all related rights and any other intellectual property rights that the Site Administrator and its partners own over / in connection with the site www.rwkoutdoors.ro.

RWK Outdoors reserves the right to sue any person and / or entity that violates any of the above provisions in any way. Requests to use the content of the site for any purpose other than personal can be made by e-mail to the email address [email protected], with the specification “For the attention of the agency”.

Any person who transmits or publishes information or materials to the site in any way assumes the obligation not to prejudice in any way the copyright that a third party may invoke in connection with the materials and information transmitted in any way to the site. , and the persons who send information or materials in any way understand and accept that the breach of this obligation in any way cannot in any way engage the responsibility of RWK Outdoors , but only the responsibility of the respective persons.

RWK Outdoors may run advertising and / or promotional campaigns in any section of the Site at any time, without the consent of the Site Users. The space and size of advertising campaigns and promotions do not require the consent of the Site Users and may be changed at any time without prior notice.

RWK Outdoors assumes no liability for damages or losses resulting from advertising campaigns or promotions organized on the site, other than those strictly organized on the site.

6. Limitation of the Liability of the Site Administrator

RWK Outdoors does not assume any obligation and does not warrant, implicitly or expressly, for the content of the Site, or for the content provided by its partners or users of the site. However, RWK Outdoors will make every effort to ensure the accuracy and professionalism of the information provided on this site in order to gain and maintain the trust of its users. In this regard, RWK Outdoors will try to correct the reported errors and omissions as soon as possible.
The site administrator does not offer any guarantees for the content of the site and in no event can it be held liable for any loss or damage that may result from the use of any part / sequence / page on the site or the impossibility of using it, regardless of its cause or misinterpretation of any provision of the site content.

The information provided through the site is provided in good faith, from sources deemed reliable. If any of the published articles or any other information falls under copyright law, please contact us at the e-mail address [email protected], in order to take the necessary measures. At the same time, Users should be aware that the information provided may include any inaccurate information (eg technical data or typing errors). The site administrator will do all the necessary diligence to correct these issues as soon as possible.

Users understand and agree that RWK Outdoors does not warrant:

that the information contained on the site is fully complete;

that the information entered by the Users of the website is real, correct and does not assume responsibility for the way in which the visitors use it;

that the information or services on the site will satisfy all the requirements of the Users, and for their inappropriate use the Users assume their entire responsibility;

for the results obtained by the Users as a result of the use of the information or services available through the site, the use of the information and services being made by the Users at their own risk;

that the services available through the site will operate constantly, uninterruptedly, without errors – in this respect, RWK Outdoors does not assume any responsibility for any damages that Users may have due to the temporary or malfunction of the site or for the use of the information obtained by using the links from the site to other sites (their use is at the discretion of the Users).

Users also understand and accept that RWK Outdoors is not responsible for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the information provided on the site by Users. At the same time, the Users understand and accept that RWK Outdoors is absolved of any responsibility for the advertising messages posted on the site or through the services offered through the site, as well as for the goods or services provided by the authors of these advertising messages. Users of the Site expressly agree to exonerate RWK Outdoors from liability for any legal or extrajudicial action arising out of the improper or fraudulent use of the Site.

For cases of force majeure, RWK Outdoors and / or its operators, directors, employees, branches, subsidiaries and representatives are relieved of all liability. Cases of force majeure include, but are not limited to, malfunctions of RWK Outdoors technical equipment, failure of internet connection, failure of telephone connections, computer viruses, unauthorized access to the Site’s systems, operating errors, etc.

Users agree to protect and insure RWK Outdoors and / or its operators, directors, employees, branches, subsidiaries and representatives from and against any claims, claims, actions, impositions, losses, damages, costs (including, but not limited to, kind of limitation, attorneys’ fees), expenses, lawsuits, decisions, fines, regularizations or other obligations resulting from or related to any other action of the Users in connection with the use of the site or the services offered through it.

RWK Outdoors does not offer any warranty, either express or implied, with respect to, but not limited to, the operation of the www.rwkoutdoors.ro site, the information, content, materials or products on the site, as well as their suitability. for a specific purpose. Users expressly agree that use of this site and application of the information is at their own risk.

7. Subscribing Users To Newsletter And Alerts

Site Users Have The Opportunity To Receive Newsletters And Alerts By Email, With The Possibility That Users Can Opt At Any Time For The Option Of Not Receiving Such Notifications With A Single Click On The Unsubscribe Link From The Newsletter / Alert Received On the Mail Entered Explicitly When Subscribing.
Due to the fact that access to the products offered through the site is made through an active account, so based on a username and password, we recommend Users not to disclose these items to third parties, even if they state that will contact you from the site.

Also, in order to ensure an increased level of security, at the end of the site visit we recommend closing the browser window in which you worked or clicking on “Sign out” / “Log off” on the page visited.

8. Cookies Policy

A cookie is a text file that contains small snippets of information sent to your browser and stored on your computer, mobile phone, or other device when you visit a site. This cookie sends information back to the site whenever you revisit it.

Cookies can be permanent (known as persistent cookies), which remain on your computer until you delete them, or temporary (known as session cookies), which are valid only until you close your browser window. Cookies can be first-party cookies that are set by the site you are visiting, or third-party cookies that are set by a site other than the one you are visiting.

How does RWK Outdoors use cookies?

We use cookies to improve the functionality of our sites, to help you navigate more efficiently from one page to another, to remember your preferences and, in general, to improve the user experience. The cookies we use on our sites can fall into the following categories:

Strictly needed cookies:

These cookies are essential for you to be able to browse the site and use the services you have requested, such as accessing secure areas of the site.

We use these types of cookies to administer user registration and authentication. Without these cookies, the services you have requested cannot be provided. These cookies are first-party and may be permanent or temporary. In short, our sites will not function properly without these cookies.

Performance cookies:

These cookies collect information about how visitors use a site, such as which pages are most visited. These cookies do not collect information that identifies individual visitors. All information collected by these cookies is cumulative and anonymous.

We use these cookies to:

compile statistics on how our sites are used

measure the impact of our advertising campaigns.

These cookies may be permanent or temporary, from the host party or from third parties. In short, these cookies collect anonymous information about visited pages and viewed ads.

Functionality cookies:

These cookies allow a site to store things of your choice (such as your username, language, or country) and provide enhanced, more personal options. These cookies can also be used to provide the services you have requested, such as watching a video or commenting on a blog. The information used by these cookies is anonymous and they cannot record your browsing activities on other sites.

We use these cookies to:

remember if you have already benefited from a particular service
improve the overall experience throughout the site by remembering your preferences.
Advertising cookies:

These cookies are used to limit the number of times you see an ad, as well as to measure the impact of your advertising campaigns.

Advertising cookies are used to manage site-wide advertising.

Advertising cookies are placed by third parties, such as advertising companies and their agents, and may be permanent or temporary cookies. In short, they are related to the advertising services provided on our third-party site.

Social cookies:

– these cookies are used by social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.) and allow the distribution of content on www.rwkoutdoors.ro on those networks. RWK Outdoors.ro does not control these cookies, so for more information on how they work, please check the pages of social networks.

How to manage & delete cookies

If you want to restrict, block or delete cookies, you can do so by changing your web browser settings. The use of www.rwkoutdoors.ro without the rejection of cookies or similar technologies denotes the consent of visitors for our use of such technologies and for the processing of information.

You can find more informations about cookies here.

9. Billing and payment

Payment methods: ONLINE with bank card – NETOPIA PAYMENTS, cash on delivery, bank transfer.

The price, payment method and payment term are specified in the Order. The Seller will issue to the Buyer an invoice for the delivered Goods, the obligation of the Buyer being to provide all the information necessary to issue the invoice in accordance with the legislation in force.

For the correct communication of the invoice related to the Order, the Buyer has the obligations to update whenever necessary the data from his Account and to access the information and documents related to each existing Order in the Account.

By sending the Order, the Buyer agrees to receive the invoices also in electronic format by e-mail, to the e-mail address mentioned in his Account.

If you choose to pay online by bank card, you will be redirected to the NETOPIA Payments payment platform. Your details such as name, address, email address and phone number will be sent to NETOPIA Payments to facilitate the secure payment process. More informations about NETOPIA Payments can be found here.

10. Responsabilities

  • The Seller undertakes to ship the Goods and Services by door-to-door courier to the Buyer.
  • The Seller is released from the risks and responsibilities associated with the Goods and Services when they are delivered to the domestic courier company with which the Seller cooperates or to the Buyer’s representative.
  • The seller will ensure the proper packaging of the Goods and Services and will ensure the transmission of the accompanying documents.
  • The Seller cannot be held liable for any damages that the Buyer or any third party may suffer as a result of the Seller’s fulfillment of any of its obligations under the Order and for damages resulting from the use of the Goods after delivery and in particular for loss of products.
  • The seller will be liable if the subcontractors and / or its partners of any kind involved in the execution of the Order do not fulfill any of the contractual obligations.
  • The seller does not assume responsibility for the descriptions of the products presented on the site. The images are presented on the site as an example, and the products delivered may differ from the images and descriptions displayed on the site in any way, due to changes in features and design without notice.
  • The seller reserves the right to complete and modify any information on the site without prior notice.
  • The seller does not guarantee the availability of the displayed products in stock, for which reason he will have the right not to partially or fully deliver a certain order if certain products no longer appear in the current offer or are not available.
    If the prices or other details regarding the products were displayed incorrectly, including due to the fact that they were entered incorrectly in the database, the Seller reserves the right to cancel the delivery of that product and to notify the customer as soon as possible. about the error if the delivery has not yet been made.
  • The seller is not liable for damages created as a result of the failure of the site as well as for those resulting from the inability to access certain links published on the site.
  • The maximum value of the obligations of the Seller towards any customer in case of non-delivery or improper delivery is the value of the amounts collected by the Seller from that customer.
  • The products sold on the site are intended for personal use, and their resale is strictly prohibited, according to the Fiscal Code.

11. Shipping and delivery

Delivery is not free and is done by express courier as described in the “Shipping information” section.

We are not responsible for delayed shipments, loss, destruction, damage, non-delivery or incorrect delivery of a shipment or part of it if it is caused by, but not limited to, the following situations / circumstances beyond our control:

– roadblocks (falling trees, rocks, chain collisions), landslides near the road;

– bridge collapses, mountain tunnel blockages, train derailment near the road, natural blockages, unauthorized strikes, spontaneous regional riots, unfavorable weather conditions for the proposed route;

– natural causes: earthquakes, cataclysms, devastating storms, tornadoes, wildfires, floods, river spills, riverbed abandonment, etc .;

– human causes: state of war, state of siege, forced nationalization (transfer to state ownership), revolutions, popular uprisings, etc .;

– non-compliance with orders by suppliers and third parties.


Acceptance will be made when the Goods comply with the technical characteristics mentioned in the Order. If the Buyer discovers that the Products delivered do not comply with the technical specifications, then the Seller will bring the Products into conformity. Also, for the products sold and delivered by RWK Outdoors, the Buyer benefits from the return of the products in 14 days.

13.Ownership transfer

Ownership of the Goods will be transferred upon delivery, after payment by the Buyer at the location indicated in the order (meaning delivery – signing of the receipt of the transport document provided by the courier or signing of receipt on the tax invoice in case of deliveries made by Seller’s staff) . In the case of delivery by courier, it is not authorized by the Seller to allow the Buyer to open the packages before signing the delivery, but only after signing the delivery and paying for their possible value.

14. Return of Products

The buyer can request the return of the products in the following situations:

The packages are severely damaged;

The products were delivered / invoiced incorrectly. Delivery of products other than those requested must be reported immediately. The buyer can request its return for replacement, and if the product is no longer in stock, it can opt for replacement or full refund. If you agree to a replacement with a higher value product, you will pay the difference, respectively if the value is lower, you will receive a partial refund up to the value of the replacement product. Return and shipping costs for the replacement product, if any, are borne by the customer.

The products have manufacturing defects;

The buyer has the right to notify the seller in writing that he renounces the purchase, without penalty and without invoking a reason, within 14 days of receipt of the product. Also, in accordance with art. 7 para. 1 of O.G. 130/2000, the Buyer has the right to unilaterally terminate the distance contract, in writing, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the product / products, without penalties and without invoking any reason. In this case, the direct costs of returning the products will be borne, according to the law, by the Buyer.

The products must be returned in the original packaging, with the invoice attached, not show signs of physical wear or damage.

Custom products cannot be returned. Please note that these products are created according to the configurations you specify, so they cannot be changed or returned.

If the replacement with a higher value product is agreed, the Buyer will pay the difference, respectively if the value is lower, he will receive a partial refund up to the value of the replacement product. Return and shipping costs for the replacement product, if any, are borne by the Buyer. If the products whose return is requested show damaged or incomplete packaging, traces of wear, scratches, bumps, we reserve the right to decide to accept the return or to stop an amount, the amount that will be communicated after assessing the damage caused.

In case of exercising the legal right to return the product, the refund of its equivalent value will be made by bank transfer to the account indicated by the Buyer within 14 days from the receipt of the returned product.

15. Processing of Personal Data

More details on the Processing of Personal Data can be reviewed here.

16. Applicable Law

This contract is subject to Romanian law. Any disputes between RWK Outdoors and users / customers / buyers will be settled amicably or, if this is not possible, the disputes will be settled by the competent Romanian courts.

17. Special offers

RWK Outdoors has no campaigns with special offers.

18. Modification of the terms and conditions

RWK Outdoors reserves the right to modify at any time and in any way any of the provisions contained in the Terms and Conditions or the Terms and Conditions in its entirety, without prior notice and without being required to comply with any other formality to Users. Any modification is fully and unconditionally accepted by the Users of the site by the simple use or access to the site or any facility offered by the site, which occurred at any time after the modification operation, and the non-acceptance of any modification entails the obligation of that User the site and / or the use in any way of the services offered through it.

Last updated: 30 April, 2022

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